IR/INFO Proceedings 1996

List of articles contained in the IR/INFO 1996 Proceedings:

Thermography at Lordstown Fabricating

Thermal Surveys in High Radiation Nuclear Plants

Inspection Diagnosis and Reporting: Resolution Means Recognition

How & Why an IR Contractor Should Promote the Use of a Spot Radiometer for Clients’ In-House P/PM Programs

Infrared – 180 MPH (Video)

Thermographic Trend Analysis Using Three Point Image Warping

Environmental Considerations for Radiometric Equipment

OSHA and Infrared Inspections of Electrical Distribution Systems

Aerial Infrared Remote Sensing – Selected Applications

Understanding Dynamic Range and What it Means to the Users of Thermal Imaging Systems

Field Techniques for Inspection of Composite Repairs of Aluminum Panels Using Thermal Imagery

The Unusual and the Bizarre

Detecting Arcing in Transformers and Switchgear by Ultrasonics

FPA Sensors: Stable Measurements?

Motor Current Unbalanced Load Costs

Thermal, Ultrasonic, Visible and Audio Sensor Fusion

Heat Caused by EMF and its Effects on the Electrical Distribution System

Imaging Spectral Radiometer for Industrial Emissions Monitoring and Leak Detection

Eddy Current Losses in Power Transformers

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