IR/INFO Proceedings 1997

List of articles contained in the IR/INFO 1997 Proceedings:

IR Inspection of Overhead Fiber Optic Cables

Correlation of Motor Circuit Analysis Data with Motor Temperature and Infrared

Can Focal Plane Array Thermal/IR Imagers Establish Internal Fuse condition?

Predictive Maintenance and R&D Applications for Real-time Image Processing, Examples, and Discussion

Understanding Microbolometer Uncooled Infrared Detector Technology

Aerial Infrared Roof Moisture Survey — A Sample Project with Step-by-Step Instructions

IR Thermography in a Semiconductor Factory

Bar Code Data Collection and Reporting Enhance Infrared PM Programs

Thermography and the Law: Legal Ramifications of Law Enforcement’s Use of IR

Modern FPA Terminology and What It Means to the P/PM User

Successful Plant-Wide Precision Alignment

On-Line Monitoring and Control Using Infrared Thermographic Equipment

Electrical Power Distribution — Thermal Examination of Bus

NFPA 70E: What to Wear

Successful Plant-Wide Precision Alignment

Utility Infrared Program Development: From Polaroids to the Internet

Load Tap Changer Study at Puget Power

Electrical Testing Using Advanced Ultrasonic Instrumentation

Infrared Inspections of Thermal Spray Coatings

Understanding Time Resolved Thermography

Who’s In the House?

Electrical Safety While Performing Infrared Inspections

The Canny Things We Do

Applications of a Versatile Inspection Tool — Infrared Thermography in a Typical Petrochemical Plant

Utilizing an Infrared Camera as a Monitoring System Inside a Nuclear Containment Vessel

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