Master Thermographer – Jeffrey Ryerson

Jeffrey Ryerson

Look Thermography Corporation


  • Infraspection Institute Master Thermographer®
  • Infrared Training Center (ITC) Certified Infrared Thermographer Levels I, II, & III #12247
  • Infraspection Institute Certified Infrared Thermographer Level II #11299

Professional Memberships:


Types of Infrared Inspections Performed:

Infrared thermography inspections of transmission & distribution systems, mechanical & industrial systems, electrical systems, roof systems, building envelopes, electric utility substations, as well as equine & veterinary thermography services.

Other Services:

Optical Gas Imaging

Thermographer Since:


Available for Hire:


Areas Served:




Jeff Ryerson is President and Founder of Look Thermography, Corp. Jeff is a practicing ITC Certified Level III Thermographer, Infraspection Institute Master Thermographer, and Infraspection Institute Certified Infrared Thermographer Level II. Jeff has over 10 years’ experience with infrared thermal imaging, infrared inspections, and optical gas imaging. In addition, Jeff has a Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering and spent over 15 years in the electronic and electric power utility industries prior to starting Look Thermography Corp. Jeff specializes in electric utility transmission and distribution systems with a particular focus on utility substations, power transformers, and feed poles. Jeff also served his Country in the United States Army and his community as a police officer.

Master Thermographer Certification Valid Through:

March 2027