Master Thermographer – John W. Pratten

John W. Pratten

Proactive Maintenance Consultants


  • Infraspection Institute Master Thermographer®
  • Infraspection Institute Certified Infrared Thermographer® Levels II, & III #10963

Professional Memberships:


Types of Infrared Inspections Performed:

PCM offers first class thermal inspection services to commercial and industrial facilities throughout the United States.

Types of Thermal Training programs:

We offer multiple training options including in-person classroom training in Level I and Level II at your facility and can be cost effective with as few as 3 students. We also offer on-line classes covering Level I, II and III.

Other Services:

Acoustic Imaging – great for air/gas leaks in a pressurized system, electrical corona, and arcing Thermal drone imaging


John Pratten is an Infraspection Institute Certified Infrared Thermographer® Level III #10963, thermographer and has conducted training courses for customers in Europe and Asia and has instructed numerous Level I and Level II courses all over North America, including a number specifically tailored to fortune 500 companies since 2011. John’s courses focus on the fundamentals of IR, camera operation and how to set up viable and sustainable Predictive Maintenance programs to maximize his customers’ program investments. A unique aspect of PMC is that we help assist our clients in setting up their internal PdM program, teaching them the processes to keep it viable and sustainable for years to come. He also performs thermography work and training in building science including working closely with and training various State Agencies and Habitat for Humanity involved with projects to improve the quality of Low-Income Housing. John has authored several published articles and has a patent in the area of IR.

John’s list of customers includes John Deere, 3M, Kellogg, Ford, Amazon, VA Hospitals, Comcast, U of MI – Ann Arbor, U of AL – Tuscaloosa and U of MN to name just a few.

Prior to forming Proactive Maintenance Consultants, LLC, a successful consulting and IR training company, John worked for Fluke Corporation for 10 years as their Sr. Thermography Specialist and Thermography Trainer and earlier with Motorola Semiconductor for 19 years in a variety of sales and management positions

Master Thermographer Certification Valid Through:

February 2025