For professional thermographers, the first step in approaching any new project should be to generate a formal proposal. This proposal should contain all information pertinent to the project and be sufficiently detailed to reflect the responsibilities of all parties including the client and the thermographer.
Infraspection Institute offers standard proposal templates for several different types of residential and commercial infrared inspections. Each template provides suggested wording and format for preparing a comprehensive and professional proposal.
Eight proposal templates are currently available covering the following applications: electrical systems, mechanical systems, electro/mechanical systems, building envelopes, insulated roofs, process equipment, steam traps, and underground piping. Each template outlines scope of work, pricing options, client and thermographer responsibilities, applicable standards, additional services, and terms.
All templates are provided in a Microsoft Word file and can be modified to suit the user’s particular needs. Templates may be used as core language for contract documents. Purchase price includes license for unlimited use of the template by the original purchaser. Templates are available individually or as a complete set of eight.